When I told Jill on the phone? Foxen When I wanted to change my career, she was very friendly and seemed impressed by my experience. I quickly typed up a resume and emailed it to her. Yes, I added a little bit of oil and vinegar, but isn’t that what they expect? Sell yourself ! And it did work. Because about ten minutes after she received my resume, she called me back and asked me when I would like to go for an interview because she thought there was a job opportunity that interested me. A job opportunity that interests me! I feel very excited. It’s hard to have peace of mind. I walked right into Philip’s office and told him I wanted to take the day off tomorrow to take my nephew to the zoo. He didn’t suspect anything. He will be astonished to discover that I have become an ambitious futures broker overnight. Hi, “I said confidently to the lady at the desk.” I’m here to see Jill? Miss Foxen Hi, I’m Rebecca? Bloomwood 。” “From..” Oh, my God. I can’t say it’s from Money Success. It might get back to Philip and he’ll know I’m looking for a new job. From. Not from anywhere, really. I gave her a relaxed smile. Is that Rebecca? Bloomwood 。 The appointment was for ten o’clock. “Okay,” she said with a smile. “Please sit down.” I picked up my briefcase and headed for the black soft-sided chair, trying not to let anyone see how nervous I was. I sat down and glanced hopefully at the magazines on the coffee table (nothing interesting, just magazines like The Economist), then leaned back in my chair and looked around. I have to admit,cosmetic plastic tube, the foyer is quite nice. There was an artificial fountain in the middle, a glass staircase winding up for what seemed like miles, and I could see the latest elevators, not one or two, but about ten. Oh my God! This place must be huge. 。“ Rebecca? “A blonde girl in a light pantsuit suddenly appeared in front of me.”. Her suit was beautiful, I thought,pump tube, very beautiful. “Hi!” I said, “Jill!” “No, I’m Amy.” She laughed. “Jill’s assistant.” Wow, that’s cool! Receive the guests by one’s own assistant It seems that you are too important and too busy to take care of this kind of thing by yourself. Maybe when I become an important futures broker and Ellie comes to me for lunch, I’ll ask my assistant to greet her, too. Maybe I’ll get a male assistant-and then we’ll fall in love! Oh my God It’s like something out of a movie: an ambitious woman and a cute but sensitive.. “Rebecca?” I thought. Amy was staring at me curiously. ” Are you ready? “Of course!” I answered cheerfully, picking up my briefcase. As we strode across the polished floor, I stole a few more glances at Emmi’s pantsuits — my eyes falling on the humble label of empo rioarmani. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Even the assistant wears empo rioarmani, so what will Jill wear? Couturedior? God I swear I’ve fallen in love with it. We went up to the sixth floor and walked down the endless, custom cosmetic packaging ,plastic laminted tube, carpeted corridor. “You want to be a futures broker?” Amy asked after a silence. “Yes,” I said. “Just a thought.” “Do you know anything about this industry?” “Ah, you know …” I smiled modestly. “I’ve written a lot about all areas of the financial industry, so I’m pretty sure.” “That’s good,” Amy smiled at me. “Some people have no opinion at all. Jill only asked them some basic questions, but.. She made a gesture. I don’t know what that means, but it’s not pretty. “That’s right!” I said, forcing myself to speak in a relaxed tone. “So, what kind of questions?” “Oh, there’s nothing to worry about!” Said Amy. “She might ask you … Oh, I don’t know. Things like, ‘How do you do business with frivolous people?’ Or’What’s the difference between open spending and operations research? ‘Or,’ How do you calculate the expiration date of a futures contract? ‘Are all basic things. “No problem!” I suppressed my fear. “Great.” Something in my heart told me to turn around and run away, but by this time we were in front of a light flaxen wooden door. “Here we are,” Amy said with a smile. “Would you like tea or coffee?” “Coffee, please.” I answered, but in my heart I wished I could say, “a stiff drink, please.” Amy knocked on the door, then opened it and ushered me in, saying, “Rebecca?”? Bloomwood’s here 。” “Rebecca!” A brunette behind the table stood up and shook my hand. To my slight surprise, Jill was not as well dressed as Amy. She was wearing a blue, rather old-fashioned suit and tacky sneakers. But it doesn’t matter. She’s the boss. And her office is stunningly beautiful. “It’s great to know you,” she motioned me to the armchair in front of her desk. “I’ll cut to the chase. I’m very appreciative of your record.” “Really?” I suddenly felt much more relaxed. That can’t be too bad, can it? “Very much”. Maybe it doesn’t matter if I can’t answer those questions. In particular, your gift for languages, “Jill continued,” is excellent. You do seem to be a rare genius, a generalist. “Actually, my French is only colloquial,” I said modestly,eye cream packing tube, “voicil aplumedematante French, meaning: This is my aunt’s pen. That’s all! Jill smiled appreciatively, and I smiled back. Part II Tashin-12 I’m going to be a banker. “But you know Finnish!” She reached for the coffee on the table. “That’s unusual.” 。 emptycosmetictubes.com
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