Being lean was once equated with being fit. However, the trend has changed- experts say that having adequate muscle mass is necessary to be healthy inside out. Gaining muscle is a combination of good nutrition and exercise. Here’s a workout plan that can help you gain muscle in 10 weeks– each muscle group is exercised once a week, producing better results.
Exercise moderately initially and avoid lifting heavy weights- lift weights that work on your abs and calves, with the reps falling in the 6-8 range. Graduate to compound exercises (exercises which work more than one muscle groups), which can make a big difference to your muscle mass. Squats, bench presses, and deadlifts exercise big muscles and multiple muscle groups. Strength coach Pat Giles was quoted as telling Men’s Journal that for upper body muscle growth, one must perform exercises like bench press, bent-over row, pull-up, plank pull, push-up, dips, and the standing strict press. For lower-body growth, squats, deadlifts, lunges, jump squats, sled work, and power cleans work the best.
Train each body part once a week to avoid over-exhausting the body, which can lead to a catabolic (muscle-wasting) state, damaging the lean tissue. As you start deadlifting, begin with no weight on the bar if you have to.
Tips to Remember
Exercises to include in the best workout plan for muscle gain
Barbell back squat
5 sets, 5 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip
5 sets, 5 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Barbell Row
5 sets, 5 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Barbell Bench Press
5 sets, 5 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
1 set, 10 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
High Box Step Ups
1 set, 10 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Reverse Hack Squats
4 sets, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Seated Calf Raises
3 sets, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
4 sets, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Leg Press
1 set, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Leg Curls
1 set, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Leg Extensions
4 sets, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
3 sets, 60-120 secs
Standing Calf Raises
3 sets, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Push Ups
1 set, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
Seated Cable Rows
3 sets, 20 reps (rest 1-2 min.)
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